享受不完美生活 Have a Perfect Life is Easy
多數社會價值都鼓勵人們追求完美、放眼未來,「享受不完美生活」卻給了我們一種反思,主張「現在才是最重要的,何不聚焦當下,用心生活、細心感念、努力珍惜」。人生不是住千萬豪宅就叫完美生活,磨損的老椅子也能有讓人欣賞之處。展覽不說教、不控訴,從生活出發輕鬆幽默的讓大家看見創作者的理念。「享受不完美生活」的英文名為“Have A Perfect Life Is Easy”,此非筆誤,而是一種對照──當你能自在享受不完美生活時,其實已擁有了完美的生活。
Most societies encourage people to pursue perfection and look to the future. However, “Have a Perfect Life is Easy” urges us to stop and think, saying that “The present is what matters. Let’s focus on the present, live the life, be grateful, and learn to treasure.” A perfect life does not mean living in a fancy house; instead, even an old broken chair has its value. The exhibits do not intend to preach or accuse. They present the creator’s ideas of life with a relaxing and humorous tone. The name “Have a Perfect Life is Easy” is not a fantasy – when you are able to appreciate and enjoy the imperfect life, you are having a perfect life.